Daily Pisces Horoscope December 30 (30/12)
Feb 19 − Mar 20
Alias: Alias: The Fish
December 30
daily pisces horoscope:
daily pisces horoscope:
Star 8/10
We know how some people can change the atmosphere in a room by simply entering it. This can work two ways, as well! Those who give off a strong sense of confidence are often admired but what about those who bring humor and a tremendous sense of warmth to situations? The sky speaks of you being such a person now. Dont underestimate how strong your level of influence is now where bringing much light and warmth to others lives is concerned.
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Marss link with your ruler is not dissimilar to the equivalent of a cosmic boot aimed at your posterior. If youve been taking comfort from procrastinating, then a short, sharp shock awaits. Try not to resent how youre being pushed in an unsubtle way to focus effort. Trust that the push is a necessary one and you neednt be concerned any effort will be futile. Its time to show yourself what youre made of and youll be very pleased and proud of what you accomplish.
Read more...Star 9/10
Mercury is busy this week, forming links to Neptune, Venus and Mars. In some way, youre being encouraged to reconsider or revive a dream or ambition once close to your heart. One flaw in the plan might surround lack of resources to make it happen but youll likely see thats a temporary obstacle. A process is in motion that you cant let one small obstacle cause a problem. Keep the dream alive and youll soon see how it gains momentum in way that inspires and reassures you.
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The first half of December could see you keeping something connected with your personal life to yourself and as much as you might want to shout from rooftops, youll probably see the benefits of keeping certain cards close to your chest. From the middle of the month, focus turns to home and family matters and changes on both fronts are in the air. Mars then enters your sign from the 19th boosting your confidence and enthusiasm where both might have waned recently.
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Todays astral energy leaves you feeling alive and open to new things. The best complement to these emotional energies is a diet thats easy to process and stretching your body. Light foods such as soups, salads and fish can be very satisfying for the entire body. Remember to eat slowly to allow for the maximum benefit of a meal. Exercise in the morning is recommended. Drink plenty of water, preferably at room temperature.
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Saying what you mean is going to seem much easier today. Your emotions may bubble up when you least expect it, and you may even send a stinging word out of your mouth without realizing it. The wise will take extra care to burn off energy in the body with exercise, and will be mindful of getting proper rest. When the body is conditioned, the mind follows a more predictable path, and relating to others becomes more harmonious.
Read more...Star 10/10
Dietary issues could be high on your agenda. You may be going through a range of emotions associated with various foods. You could be tempted by treats and experience a battle of wills. With luck and discipline - and if you can get your partner to diet with you - you can stay on the straight and narrow!
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Anything that can enhance your stamina will be good for you this month. Not only is this one of the more hectic times of year but you are also ambitious and eager to carve out your place in the world. All of this requires energy, so try not to take shortcuts in this regard. Eating regular, healthful meals and getting adequate sleep can give you a boost. You may also need to take supplements that enhance cognitive function and physical vitality. Your social life kicks off on December 19, so pencil in a few pampering sessions. Be kind to yourself.s
Read more...Star 10/10
Rubbing things together creates friction, but the planets are interacting in a way that encourages powerful attractions. All you need do is keep talking, no matter how impossible it seems, how unlikely the stakes, or how up high the social ladder your opposite is. You have the know-how. Faith and confidence also helps - so get some. By the end of the day you could have the date of your dreams!
Read more...Star 8/10
The planetary energy encourages you to believe more strongly in yourself, and also in your ability to attract the right person. You have an extra boost of confidence, which puts you in quite a flirtatious mood and draws people to you with whom you are happy to interact and genuinely at ease. If you can polish your conversational style a bit, there will be no stopping you.
Read more...Star 10/10
Who are your true friends? Make sure you know who you can trust, because you dont want to ask the wrong person for advice regarding your love life in the first part of the week. Pay close attention to whats being said about you on social media and do damage control if necessary. Youre a very busy Fish at the end of the week, and theres little time for dating. If you must cancel a date, do it politely.
Read more...Star 9/10
When Mercury spends time in precise Capricorn, beginning December 2, your emotions arent as prevalent as usual. This is a good time to take care of those lingering sentimental details that have been too emotionally draining to deal with until now. Mars enters your sign on December 19, creating some interesting "opposites attract" energy. You cant help that you find someone attractive whos totally not your type, so why fight it? Explore the possibilities. Uranus leaves its retrograde cycle behind on December 26, and you should fight to do the same with your romantic past. Take steps forward, not backward.
Read more...Star 7/10
The tables have turned and you are suddenly in very good standing with your boss and the people around you. Events in the workplace will go smoothly for you and your overall confidence will be stronger than usual. Ask for favors now - dont wait.
Read more...Star 8/10
You are having a hard time deciding if the work you are in gives you the satisfaction that you desire. You are caught between a rock and a hard place and the situation will only worsen the more you think about it. Trust your heart, not your head.
Read more...Star 9/10
This is a happy and exuberant period. It favors creating a positive impression and presenting the most optimistic face possible. For some, love could be in the air. Be sure to recognize professional boundaries. You may be challenged by events. Decisions you make now will have more influence than you might first assume. This is a good time to work with focus and polish your skills. Dont let critical or faultfinding people undermine your confidence. You may be working behind the scenes now while other people seem to be losing their minds. A kind of restless energy could bring unexpected and dramatic distractions at a time when youre simply trying to do a good job. This is a very positive time for any new start, particularly in established areas that need revision. This is also the best time to apply for a new job. Do your best to stay organized and on task.
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The days surrounding December 13 may find you dealing with an extremely emotional situation at work. Fortunately, youre sensitive enough to handle the challenge well. Keeping your feelings under wraps will give you the upper hand. Never let your rivals see you sweat. The mood will get much lighter as December draws to a close. Make sure to attend a holiday party during the final days of the month. Youll make some valuable business contacts that will increase your earning potential. Use your social network to attract more clients, land a better job, or launch your own company.
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